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Reference Management Software

A reference management tool acts as your catalyst on the off chance that you ever wound up attempting to design a list of sources, stressing to embed an umlaut for the sake of a remote creator, or reformatting every reference in a research paper for journals. Some reference management software include support for automatic embedding and (re)formatting of references in word processing programs. This table lists this type of support for Microsoft Word, Pages, Apache OpenOffice / LibreOffice Writer, the LaTeX editors Kile and LyX, and Google Docs. Docear is a feature rich open source reference manager for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is a powerful academic literature management that help you organize your thought, ideas, references, and research library through mind maps.Using mind maps, you can easily organize your research material in this software.

  1. Reference Management Software Comparison

Written by Scribendi

Students, academics, authors, and researchers do their fair share of online research. With so many different databases, online journals, and websites, it can get pretty overwhelming to manage your references and keep them all organized—especially if you're doing it manually. But did you know that there are programs that can actually manage and keep track of your references for you? If not, then you are in for a treat! There are many different reference management software programs that can make the process of managing your references almost effortless. We've sifted through the most popular reference managers and have come up with the top five. Although they generally all perform the same tasks, you might find that one suits your needs better than another.

Up Close: The 5 Best Reference Management Programs

1. RefWorks

RefWorks is an exceptional reference management software program. Although it comes at a price, many colleges and universities have subscriptions to RefWorks, which means that you may already have it available to you through your school. Score! RefWorks is great because it allows users to generate and format bibliographies and manuscripts in hundreds of output styles, including some of the most common: APA, MLA, Chicago, Vancouver, and Turabian. It also allows users to manage more than just bibliographic data, which is why it's great for academics and researchers alike. I used RefWorks in university and had a really great experience with it, especially when writing my master's thesis. It really simplified the process of making my pages-long bibliography!

2. Zotero

Zotero is both free and open source, which means that you don't have to pay for it and that its design is publicly accessible. Zotero is a great choice as a reference manager, especially for students, because it runs as both a web service and an offline service on your personal device (laptop, iPad, cell phone, etc.). Zotero not only stores and formats your bibliographic information but also allows you to organize, tag, and search this information. It automatically and seamlessly extracts information from books, journal articles, and other online sources, making the entire process of creating a reference list effortless. I would definitely give this one a go!

3. EndNote

EndNote is great if you're collaborating on a research paper. It lets you share with up to 14 colleagues anywhere in the world, so it's definitely the top choice for collaborations. One of the highlights of this reference manager is that it includes reference types such as interviews, podcasts, conference papers, and press releases. It also lets you add citations to Microsoft PowerPoint slides, which is especially awesome if you're creating a presentation with a group. EndNote has a huge catalogue of format options with over 6,000 reference styles, so regardless of your discipline, you're bound to find one that fits your needs. Although EndNote isn't free, it's super high-quality, so it's worth every penny.

4. Mendeley

If you're in a technical or scientific field, Mendeley is an excellent option for you. This reference management software allows users to generate citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, and LaTeX. As with EndNote, it's great for collaborative work, as it allows you to connect with colleagues and share your papers, notes, and annotations. It can be used on your computer via the web or through your iPhone or iPad, which makes it easy to do your work wherever you go. We give Mendeley our Scribendi stamp of approval!

5. Citationsy

Citationsy is a great choice because it's so adaptable. You can access it as a page within your browser or download it as a chrome extension or mobile app, which means that you can access your library from any device with an internet connection. As with the other reference managers, it automatically extracts the citation details so that you don't have to type them in yourself. You can even use its mobile app to cite your books by scanning their barcodes.

Quick Reference: The Five Best Reference Management Software Programs


Do you see a common trend with these reference managers? They make creating a bibliography so easy! I mean, I don't see why you'd ever go back to the 'old-fashioned' way of doing it manually. I know I wouldn't! If you're new to using reference management software, it might be a good idea to try a few of them out to see which one works best for you. If you're in college or university, you might find it helpful to ask a professor if your school subscribes to any reference management programs (such as RefWorks, which is free at any subscribing academic institutions). Reference management software will make organizing your next bibliography a breeze, so take advantage of this opportunity to make your research just a little bit easier. And, once you've written your paper, don't forget to have it thoroughly edited by one of the expert editors at Scribendi.

Image source: Aleks Dorohovich/Stocksnap.io

Perfect Your Paper with Scribendi

About the Author

Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing turn into a great one after the editing process. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained nearly 20 degrees collectively. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

References are integral part of well researched document. Without proper reference in any document (specially scientific manuscript) is incomplete. Even after knowing importance of referencing, many people hate the overall process of referencing as it is tedious, boring and time consuming. Putting reference in Scientific Manuscript or other document created in MS Word is a night mare. Sorry, let me correct it, “Putting reference in Scientific Manuscript or other document created in MS Word is a night mare to only those don’t use reference management software”. But it you are those who have similar night mare, then you have come at the right place. Here you will learn how to automate complete process of referencing using free reference management software.

Process of referencing starts with importing fields like title, author, journal/site and many other things. Then comes referring at appropriate place in your document. Most of the times, before making final document we have to change/modify/delete text and associated reference. In such case, managing reference numbering etc becomes even more cumbersome, time consuming and boring task if not automated. And finally coming to making list of reference or bibliography which again is boring if done manually. If all the process are done manually then becomes nightmare.

It is seen that average researcher spend up to 70-100 hours of time putting, updating and modifying references in typical journal paper.
For thesis or dissertation this time generally adds up to 5-6 days also. This time could be greatly reduced to around 30-45 min if done smartly.

This is a place where, reference manager or reference management software comes into picture. In this blog you will know how to automate complete process of referencing right from importing reference fields into Ms Word to making bibliography.

Reference software / Reference Manager

Ms Word has some in-build feature to import, manage and make bibliography which makes some of the task in entire process of inserting references easy. But this is just the half way. There is lot of dedicated reference manager like Refworks, Endnore, Citavi, Zotero etc. available making the overall process of importing, searching in reference, referring and making bibliography easy. Some of the are free while other are paid. Features and ease offer by these software also vary.


https://trueuup429.weebly.com/modification-photo-mac.html. So which one to use and which one offer the best features and are most user friendly among the free reference manager?

After making lot of research and comparing various reference managers I finally narrowed down to Mendeley and have been using since then and never changed looked at any other reference manager.

Mendeley: Best free reference software that automates every step of referencing and citation

Mendeleyis free and one of the referencing manager that helps you organize research, collaborate online and discover new research. Photoartista haiku 2 55. One can sign up for a Mendeley account online and install the Mendeley Desktop Tool in your computer for free. Mendeley also have a plugin for browsers like Chrome etc, to import references from websites like sciencedirect, scopus, google scholar, elsevier etc.

Import reference automatically

You can import papers into Mendeley library from your hard drive by simply dragging and dropping files. After adding files, Mendeley will automatically extract relevant fields like paper title, authors, journal name, volume number, issue etc from paper. You just can sit and relax while Mendeley does all this laborious task automatically. You can also import reference list from other reference managers or by searching various web databases for papers through Mendeley Literature Search or simply from your browser. Mendeley desktop will display a PDF icon next to the paper if the full text is available. You can sync your libraries to the cloud to access them anywhere. You can also import reference into Mendeley from BibTeX, XML, RIS and Zotero

Search within reference text

With so many references to write text from, many times you write something but while referring want to confirm the exact source of information. Mendeley has a feature that by pressing “Ctrl”+m, inside Ms Word, pop-up will open where you can search for paper title, author, journal name etc and Mendeley will automatically populate reference for you to select. However when you require to search specific text inside document available locally then again Mendeley Desktop can come to rescue. Lingon x 6 4 – run applications and scripts automatically. It provides a centralized place where you can search text inside your references.

Cite reference inside text without even touching mouse

Citing reference in text is very simple with Mendeley. Just press “Ctrl”+m at the place where you need to refer, a pop up will open, where you can type author name, paper title, journal name or other fields of reference. Mendeley will automatically search and highlight the reference based on your input. After selecting the required reference, press enter and you are done. Bbedit 13 0 5 hydrocortisone cream. If your reference are numbered in text then Mendeley will take care of complete numbering. These reference numbering will be updated automatically whenever you add or delete any new reference in between. Complete process of referring could be completed without leaving keyboard. Believe me, this will saves lot of time and effort.

See Mendeley in Action

Create Bibliography / References with 1 click

With Mendeley you can generate references and bibliography with just one click. Be it apa citation, mla citation, IEEE or any other styles. Mendeley has lots of formats for bibliography, you name it and it will be there.


Mendeley is a versatile and complete reference manager available for free. It automates all the laborious task from importing reference to making bibliography. There are many other reference manager with similar feature but most of them are not free. The one which are free are not as smart and user friendly as Mendeley. So from the next time when you start writing some content in Ms Word that requires you to refer, give Mendeley a try. I bet you will never regret using it.

Tips of writing and formatting Scientific Manuscript in Ms Word


1 ) LaTeX like heading in Ms Word: Autoformat text in just 1 click using styles feature of Ms Word 2007/2010/2013/2016/2017.

2.)Automatic numbering of Figure | Table | Equation with auto update feature on adding/deleting new Figure | Table | Equation with just 1 click

3.) 3 different ways to type equation in MS Word, Complete guide in shortcut for writing|typing equation in Ms Word. and Writing equation in Ms Word like LaTeX | A short introduction)

a) Greek symbols: Shortcut for typing greek symbols in like LaTeX in Ms Word (Complete Guide)

b) Subscript and super script: For more details please click on this link -> Shortcut for typing subscript and superscript in Equation similar to LaTeX in Ms Word (Complete Guide)

c) Accents in word: For more details please click on this link -> Shortcut for typing accents like bar, vector, hat etc in Equation – Ms Word (Complete Guide) Infographics lab 3 4 8 x 9.

https://downnload431.weebly.com/vuescan-crack.html. d) Complete guide smart way of typing equation in Ms Word

4.) Three different ways to type chemical equation and shortcut for arrows (equilibrium, reversible, gas liberation, precipitation, etc), typing text above arrow, typing text below arrows, shortcut for writing chemical compounds etc.

Sync folders pro 3 3 7. 5.) Multilevel list in Ms Word and numbering of heading and subheadings

Reference Management Software Comparison

6) Make table of content in Ms Word with just one click

Reference Management Software
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